This is a really nice Fujian tea that had a great mix of bright fruit and sweet cocoa notes. It is very similar in flavour to a tea I love and may not be able to replace, so I am grateful to *Dexter3657* for this sample as I've been curious about it for some time.
Below are my observations. I steeped it 5 times.
This tea brewed into a medium amber brown.
Scent longan, cocoa, honey, malt. Both bright and rich smelling.
1.5 TSP/200 ml/95°C/1 min
Nice balance of bright citrusy longan, honey,with cocoa in the finish. Slight hint of dark bread crust, cherry and spice.
1 min scent similar to above but stronger sweet cocoa note.
Long an, stronger cocoa with honey underrneath
1:30. Longan honey, cocoa in back again but still quite present.
2:10 longan dominant other flavours present underneath. Becomes sweeter as it cools
4 min slightly tart sweet potato with cocoa honey note
Altogether this is really a nice tea that I will purchase in the future. Thanks!