The dry leaf has big chunks of chocolate and lots of coconut, but not a lot of tea. It smells strongly of cinnamon and chocolate with a touch of coconut. It brews to an aged oak brown.
The taste does not live up to the smell, it tastes thin and watery. The cinnamon is still strong. The chocolate has melted leaving a film on the top of the tea and it adds a sweet flavour, but it tastes a little stale and waxy at this point (I bought this tea before christmas). Perhaps this flavour is the result of the cross between the coconut and the chocolate. There is a hint of vanilla. Aspects of the flavour remind me of Ovaltine. The base is well hidden but may be contributing to the sweetness of the tea and be contributing a hint of bitterness. The cinnamon has toned down since I first bought this. I think I prefer it's intensity now then when fresh. This tea actually tastes better than I remember it tasting, before I had to cut it with a yunnan in order to be able to drink it, but it still tastes very thin. I think it needs a larger percentage of actually tea in this blend to support the flavouring. As it is I am unlikely to repurchase this.